File transfers are a fundamental part of our digital world. Whether it’s uploading an image to a social media platform or sending important documents to a cloud-based storage system, the underlying process is a file transfer. This article will introduce a powerful tool that facilitates such transfers: Curl. Specifically, we’ll focus on how to use Curl to send HTTP POST requests, which allow you to upload or “POST” files to servers.


What is HTTP POST?

In the realm of web-based communication, HTTP methods play a pivotal role. The HTTP POST method is one of these, typically used to send data to a server to create or update resources. The data sent to the server via POST method is stored in the request body of the HTTP request.

POSTing Files with Curl

To send a file using Curl, the -F (or --form) option is used. This option lets Curl emulate a filled-in form where a user has pressed the submit button. This causes Curl to POST data using the `Content-Type` multipart/form-data, which supports file uploading.


Let’s imagine we have a text file called testfile.txt that we want to POST to a server. The Curl command would look something like this:

curl -F "file=@testfile.txt"

In this command, -F tells Curl that a `multipart/form-data` POST request is being made. The “file=@testfile.txt” part is the form field and the file that is being uploaded. The `@` symbol tells Curl that a file is being uploaded.

The URL (``) is the location of the server to which you want to POST the file. The endpoint and domain will vary based on where you’re sending the file.

Specifying MIME Type

In some cases, you might need to specify the MIME type of the file you’re uploading. You can do this by adding a type parameter to the -F option, like so:

curl -F "file=@testfile.txt;type=text/plain"

In this case, `type=text/plain` specifies that the file being uploaded is a plain text file.

POSTing Multiple Files

Curl also supports uploading multiple files in a single command. You simply need to add another -F option for the additional file:

curl -F "file1=@testfile1.txt" -F "file2=@testfile2.txt"

This command will POST two files (testfile1.txt and testfile2.txt) to the server.

POSTing Archive File

Posting an archive file is just as straightforward as posting any other file type. The key difference is that you may want to specify the MIME type, especially when it’s important to the server-side processing of the file. Here is an example of how to POST a .zip archive file:

curl -F ";type=application/zip"

Remember to replace `` and `` with your actual file name and server URL, respectively.


Curl is a potent tool that allows developers to transfer data between servers using a myriad of protocols. Its versatility in handling HTTP POST requests makes it a must-have in the developer’s toolbox. Hopefully, this beginner’s guide helps you understand the basics of POSTing files using Curl and lays a solid foundation for you to explore more advanced Curl functionalities.

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