Welcome to the world of Python programming! If you’re new to coding or just starting with Python, you’re in for an exciting journey. Today, we’re going to delve into one of the fundamental concepts of Python and object-oriented programming (OOP): classes. This guide is crafted especially for beginners, students, and anyone looking to grasp the essentials of using classes in Python.


1. What are Classes in Python?

A class in Python is like a blueprint for creating objects. Objects are instances of classes, carrying characteristics and behaviors outlined in the class. Think of a class as a template for building similar yet distinct items. For instance, if you have a class named ‘Animal’, each object created from this class can represent a different animal, but all will share the same structure (attributes like name, age) and behaviors (methods like make_sound).

2. Creating Your First Class

To understand this, consider an Animal class. This class can outline general characteristics and behaviors of animals, like `name`, `age` or `make_sound()`.

Example: The Animal Class

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

    def make_sound(self, sound):
        print(f"{self.name} says {sound}")


  1. Constructor (__init__ method): This method is automatically called when a new instance of the Animal class is created. It takes four parameters:
    • self: Represents the instance of the class and allows access to its attributes and methods.
    • name: A string attribute to store the name of the animal.
    • age: An integer or float attribute to store the age of the animal.
    • color: A string attribute to store the color of the animal.

    These parameters are used to initialize the instance variables self.name, and self.age.

  2. Method make_sound: This is an instance method that takes two parameters:
    • self: As before, it represents the instance of the class.
    • sound: A string representing the sound that the animal makes.

    This method does not return anything. Instead, it prints a message to the console, formatted to include the animal’s name and the specified sound. For example, if the animal’s name is “Dog” and the sound is “bark”, the output will be “Dog says bark”.

3. The __init__() Method

The __init__() method in Python classes is crucial for understanding object-oriented programming. Here are its key details in points:

  • Constructor: __init__() is a special method, also known as a constructor. It initializes a new instance of a class.
  • Self Parameter: The first parameter of __init__() is always self, which refers to the instance being created.
  • Initialization: It sets up the initial state of the object by assigning values to object properties or performing any other necessary setup.
  • Additional Parameters: Besides self, you can pass additional parameters through __init__() to dynamically assign values to the object’s attributes.
  • Automatic Invocation: When you create a new instance of a class, Python automatically calls the __init__() method.
  • Not Mandatory: While commonly used, it’s not mandatory for a class to have an __init__() method.
  • No Return Value: __init__() doesn’t return a value; it returns None.

4. Creating Objects: Instances of a Class

Objects are instances of a class. When you create an object, you’re essentially creating a unique instance that follows the blueprint defined by the class.

Creating an instance is straightforward. You call the class name and pass the required parameters. Let’s create some animal objects:

cat = Animal("Whiskers", 3)
dog = Animal("Rex", 5)


Here, cat and dog are objects or instances of the Animal class. They have unique attributes (name and age) and share a common method (make_sound).

5. Accessing Attributes

Once the object is created of Animal class, we can access attributes using dot notation. For instance, cat.name returns the name of the cat instance.

print(cat.name)  # Output: Whiskers

6. Setting a Default Value for an Attribute

A default value can be set within the __init__ method, allowing some parameters to be optional.

class Animal:
    def __init__(self, name, age=2):  # Default age set to 2
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

  • In the constructor, age=2 sets the default value for the age attribute. If an object of the Animal class is created without specifying the age, it will default to 2.
  • For example, if an animal is created with Animal(“Leo”), Leo will be assigned to name and age will be set to the default value of 2.

7. Defining Attributes and Methods for the Child Class

Child classes inherit attributes and methods from the parent class but can also have their own unique properties. Lets undestand with an example class “Birds” that inherits the “Animal” class:

class Bird(Animal):
    def __init__(self, name, age, can_fly):
        super().__init__(name, age)
        self.can_fly = can_fly

parrot = Bird("Polly", 3, True)

  • Inheritance: Bird inherits from Animal, denoted by class Bird(Animal).
  • Constructor Overriding: Bird has its own __init__() method, overriding the inherited one.
  • Super Function: Uses super().__init__(name, age) to call the parent class (Animal) constructor.
  • New Attribute: Adds a new attribute can_fly specific to Bird.
  • Instance Creation: Creates an instance of Bird with attributes name, age, and can_fly.

8. Class Variables vs Instance Variables

Classes in Python can have two types of variables – class variables (shared by all instances) and instance variables (unique to each instance):

  • Class Variables: Shared across all instances of a class. They’re defined within the class but outside any methods and remain the same for every instance.
  • Instance Variables: Unique to each instance of a class. They’re defined within methods (usually within __init__) and can have different values for each object instance.

Here’s an example using the Animal class to demonstrate the difference between class variables and instance variables:

class Animal:
    kingdom = 'Animalia'  # Class variable, common for all instances

    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name      # Instance variable, unique to each instance
        self.age = age

# Creating instances
dog = Animal("Rex", 5)
cat = Animal("Whiskers", 3)

# Accessing class variable
print(Animal.kingdom)  # Outputs 'Animalia'

# Accessing instance variables
print(dog.name, dog.age)  # Outputs 'Rex 5'
print(cat.name, cat.age)  # Outputs 'Whiskers 3'

In this example, kingdom is a class variable shared by all instances of Animal, while name and species are instance variables unique to each Animal object.


Classes in Python are powerful tools that enable efficient and organized programming, especially in larger projects. They allow you to encapsulate data and functionality together, making your code more modular, reusable, and easy to understand. As a fresher or student venturing into Python programming, mastering classes will significantly enhance your coding skills and open doors to more advanced programming concepts.

This comprehensive guide aims to provide a clear understanding of classes in Python, perfect for freshers and students. From creating your first class to understanding advanced concepts like inheritance, this article is your go-to resource for learning about Python classes.

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