Creating directories in Python is a frequent operation, especially when managing files, logs, or organizing project structures. The `os` module in the Python Standard Library provides a method called `mkdir()` to create directories. Additionally, the `pathlib` module introduced in Python 3.4 also offers a more object-oriented way to handle filesystem paths and operations.


This article will dive into different methods to create directories in Python.

1. Using the os module

The `os` module is a built-in Python module that provides a way of interacting with the operating system.


import os

# Create a directory named 'example_dir'

If the directory already exists, calling `mkdir()` will raise a FileExistsError.

Creating Nested Directories:

If you want to create nested directories, you can use the `makedirs()` method.

# Create a nested directory structure 'dir1/dir2/dir3'

By default, if any of the intermediate directories exist, `makedirs()` won’t raise an error and will simply create the ones that are missing. However, if the final directory (dir3 in the above example) already exists, it will raise a FileExistsError.

2. Using the pathlib module

`pathlib` provides an object-oriented approach to handle filesystem paths.


from pathlib import Path

# Create a directory named 'example_dir'

Again, if the directory already exists, this will raise a FileExistsError.

Creating Nested Directories:

Just like with `os.makedirs()`, with `pathlib` you can create nested directories with ease.

# Create a nested directory structure 'dir1/dir2/dir3'
Path('dir1/dir2/dir3').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

The `parents=True` argument ensures that all parent directories are created if they don’t exist, and `exist_ok=True` prevents the method from raising an error if the directory already exists.

Handling Directory Creation Errors

When you’re writing a program or script, it’s often a good idea to handle potential errors. One common error when creating directories is that the directory might already exist.

Example using os:

directory_name = 'example_dir'
except FileExistsError:
    print(f"The directory '{directory_name}' already exists.")

Example using pathlib:

directory_path = Path('example_dir')
except FileExistsError:
    print(f"The directory '{directory_path}' already exists.")


Both the `os` and `pathlib` modules provide robust methods for creating directories in Python. The choice of which to use often comes down to personal preference or the specific requirements of a project. The `pathlib` module is newer and provides an object-oriented interface, which can be more intuitive for some tasks. On the other hand, the `os` module has been around for longer and is familiar to many Python developers.

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