Before we delve into the topic, it’s essential to note that Python, unlike languages such as C and C++, does not have a built-in main() function. However, it’s often recommended to organize Python code in a similar way to mimic the functionality of the main() function as in other programming languages, to improve readability and efficiency. This approach is not a requirement, but more of a best practice in the world of Python programming.


What is the main() Function?

In languages like C or Java, the main() function serves as the entry point of a program. When the program is run, the main() function is the first to be executed. However, in Python, the interpreter reads and executes the script from the top to bottom, and there isn’t a specific main function that it seeks.

However, we often define a main() function in our Python scripts that serves as the entry point to our applications. This function contains the high-level logic of the program and is called using a special if __name__ == "__main__": construct towards the end of the script.

The if __name__ == "__main__": construct

Before understanding this, it’s crucial to know that Python files can act as reusable modules or as standalone programs. When Python runs a file directly, it sets the special variable __name__ to "__main__". On the other hand, if the file is imported as a module in another script, __name__ will be set to the module’s name.

Thus, if __name__ == "__main__": is a way to check whether the script is being run directly or being imported. If it’s being run directly, the code within this if block will be executed.

This allows the code’s author to have some block of code in the Python script that acts like the main() function, which is only executed when the script is run directly, and not when it is imported as a module.

Defining the main() function

Let’s see an example of a main() function in Python.

# Define your functions
def func1():
    print("Function 1")

def func2():
    print("Function 2")

# Define the main function
def main():

# This is the standard boilerplate that calls the main() function.
if __name__ == '__main__':

When you run this script, the output will be:

Function 1 Function 2

The main() function calls other functions, func1() and func2(). It’s called inside the if __name__ == "__main__": block, so it’s only executed when the script is run directly.

Now, suppose this file is saved as and we import it into another script created in the same directory.

import example

When you run the new script, you’ll notice that there’s no output. That’s because was imported as a module, so __name__ was not "__main__" and thus the main() function wasn’t called.

This method of structuring a Python program allows a file to be used as a script to perform its task and also to be reused as a module in other scripts, without executing its task.

Why Use a main() Function in Python?

The use of a main() function in Python has several benefits:

  • Organization and readability: It makes the code more organized. It’s easier to understand the overall structure of a program when the high-level logic is in a main function.
  • Code reusability: It allows a script to be used as a module and reused in other scripts without causing unintended execution of code.
  • Avoids running global scope code on import: Any statements not included in a function are executed upon import. Using a main function to encapsulate these statements prevents this from happening.
  • Easier testing and debugging: Since the main execution of the program is wrapped in a function, it’s easy to import and call this function for testing.


While Python does not have an inherent main() function as some other programming languages do, it’s a good practice to emulate this concept for cleaner and more efficient coding. With the if __name__ == "__main__": construct and a custom main() function, Python programmers can manage the execution of their code more effectively and improve its reusability. Understanding these concepts will help you to write better, more modular, and professional Python code.

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