A Palindrome is a sequence that reads the same backward as forward. In the context of number theory, a palindromic number or numeral palindrome is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed.


This article aims to guide you through the process of developing a Python program that can determine whether or not a number is a palindrome. Let’s dive into the step-by-step guide.

Step-by-step Guide to Create a Palindrome Checker

Step 1: Take Input from the User

The first step in our Python program is to take the number as input from the user. Python has a built-in function input() which takes input from the user. Since input() function takes input as a string, we use int() to convert the string into an integer.

Here’s how we can do this:

Step 2: Reverse the Number

In the second step, we need to reverse the input number. We will use a while loop to perform this operation.

Here’s what the code does:

  1. We store the original number in a temporary variable because we will need to compare it with the reversed number.
  2. We initialize another variable rev to 0. This will store the reversed number.
  3. Inside the while loop, we are using the modulus operator (%) to get the last digit of the number and multiply the current rev by 10 and add the last digit. This constructs the reversed number.
  4. We then use the floor division operator (//) to remove the last digit from the original number.
  5. The loop continues until the number becomes 0.

Step 3: Check if the Number is a Palindrome

The final step is to check whether the input number is a palindrome. This can be done by comparing the original number with the reversed number. If both are the same, the number is a palindrome.

The if statement checks the condition – if it’s true, the number is a palindrome; else, it’s not.

Complete Python Program

Now, let’s put all these together into a complete Python program:

To use the program, run it, and when prompted, enter a number. The program will then tell you whether or not your number is a palindrome.


In this article, we learned how to create a Python program to check if a number is a palindrome. This simple yet effective program showcases the power of Python’s simplicity and how it can be used to solve problems efficiently. We utilized Python’s built-in functions and implemented logic using conditional and loop statements. This exercise is a great way to sharpen your Python programming skills and understand fundamental concepts.

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