Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, allows us to perform numerous tasks with ease, such as comparing numbers and determining the largest among them. In this article, we’ll walk through creating a Python program that finds the largest among three numbers.


Python’s control flow statements, especially the if statement, make it simple to compare three numbers and determine which is the largest. Let’s first look at the basic logic, then move on to constructing our program.

Basic Logic

The logic for finding the largest among three numbers (let’s call them a, b, and c) goes as follows:

  1. First, we assume that a is the largest number.
  2. We then compare a with b and c. If a is less than either b or c, it’s not the largest number.
  3. If b is greater than a, we now consider b to be the largest number.
  4. We then compare b with c. If b is less than c, then c is the largest number.
  5. If none of the above conditions are true, a remains the largest number.

Python Program

Let’s now translate this logic into a Python program.

In this code, the input() function is used to accept the user input. This function returns a string, so we convert it to a float using the float() function. This way, the program can handle not only integers but also real numbers.

Next, we initially set largest to `a`. Then, we compare largest with `b` and `c` using if statements, updating largest whenever we find a number that’s greater.

Finally, the program prints the largest number.

This program works well and is straightforward, but it does not handle cases where the input may not be a number, or if there are less or more than three numbers. In a more comprehensive program, you may want to add error handling to account for these scenarios.


Python’s readability and expressiveness make it an excellent choice for simple tasks like finding the largest of three numbers. As we’ve seen, the if statement is a powerful tool that lets us easily compare numbers and other data types. While our program is simple, the concepts it demonstrates are fundamental to programming in Python, and understanding them will serve as a strong foundation for more complex programs and operations.

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