Refreshing a page is a common task in web development, and it can be accomplished easily with jQuery. Whether you need to update content, reset form fields, or trigger a new request to the server, jQuery offers a variety of methods to refresh a page.


In this article, we will discuss three different methods to refresh a page using jQuery: using the location.reload() method to reload the entire page, using the setTimeout() function to delay the reload, and using AJAX to reload a specific part of the page. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge to refresh a page using jQuery in different scenarios.

Method 1: Using location.reload()

The easiest way to refresh a page with jQuery is to use the location.reload() method. This method will reload the current page, including any changes that were made.

To use this method, simply include the following code in your jQuery script:

The $(document).ready() function ensures that the page is fully loaded before the refresh is triggered. The true parameter in the location.reload() method forces a reload from the server instead of the browser cache.

Method 2: Using setTimeout()

Another way to refresh a page with jQuery is to use the setTimeout() function. This function will delay the execution of the refresh action for a specified number of milliseconds.

To use this method, include the following code in your jQuery script:

This code will wait for 5 seconds before triggering the page refresh.

Method 3: Using AJAX

If you want to refresh a page without reloading the entire page, you can use AJAX to reload a specific part of the page. This method is useful for updating content without interrupting the user experience.

To use this method, you can include the following code in your jQuery script:

This code will reload the contents of the yourDiv element using the contents of yourPage.php.


In this article, we discussed three different methods to refresh a page with jQuery. You can use the location.reload() method to reload the entire page, the setTimeout() function to delay the reload, or AJAX to reload a specific part of the page. Choose the method that best suits your needs and implement it in your jQuery script.

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