Removing the first character from a string is a common operation in JavaScript programming. Whether you’re working with user input or manipulating data from an API, there may be times when you need to remove the first character from a string. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this in JavaScript.


Method 1: Using the substring() Method

The substring() method returns a substring of a string based on the index numbers provided as arguments. To remove the first character from a string using the substring() method, you can pass the value 1 as the starting index.

Here’s an example:

In this example, the substring() method returns a new string that starts at index 1 (the second character) and includes all subsequent characters.

Method 2: Using the slice() Method

The slice() method also returns a substring of a string based on the index numbers provided as arguments. To remove the first character from a string using the slice() method, you can pass the value 1 as the starting index.

Here’s an example:

In this example, the slice() method returns a new string that starts at index 1 (the second character) and includes all subsequent characters.

Method 3: Using the substr() Method

The substr() method returns a substring of a string based on the starting index and the length of the substring. To remove the first character from a string using the substr() method, you can pass the value 1 as the starting index and the length of the original string as the length argument.

Here’s an example:

In this example, the substr() method returns a new string that starts at index 1 (the second character) and includes all subsequent characters by setting the length of the substring to the length of the original string minus one.

Method 4: Using the replace() Method

The replace() method replaces a specified value with another value in a string. To remove the first character from a string using the replace() method, you can use a regular expression to match the first character and replace it with an empty string.

Here’s an example:

In this example, the replace() method uses a regular expression to match the first character (^.) and replaces it with an empty string. The ^ character in the regular expression matches the beginning of the string, and the . matches any character.


There are several ways to remove the first character from a string in JavaScript, including using the substring(), slice(), substr(), and replace() methods. Choose the method that best fits your programming needs and coding style.

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