PHP, being a robust server-side scripting language, is widely used in web development. An essential part of the development process is handling and debugging errors, which can provide valuable insights about issues present in the code. Despite their usefulness, displaying errors directly on the webpage may lead to unprofessional user experiences and, in worst cases, can even expose sensitive information to end-users. Thus, learning how to control and remove these error and warning messages is critical.


Understand the Error Reporting Levels

Before we jump into how to remove the warning and error messages, it is important to understand the types of errors that can occur in PHP. PHP error reporting levels are:

  1. E_ERROR: A fatal run-time error that can’t be recovered from. The script execution is halted.
  2. E_WARNING: Run-time warning that doesn’t stop script execution.
  3. E_PARSE: Compile-time parse errors.
  4. E_NOTICE: Run-time notice, indicating something that might be an error.
  5. E_ALL: All errors and warnings (including E_STRICT and E_DEPRECATED).

Adjusting the Error Reporting Level

You can adjust your error reporting level in PHP by using the `error_reporting()` function. By passing in different constants, you can control what kind of errors PHP should report. For instance, you might use the following line to report all errors except notices:

And to turn off all error reporting:

Remember, though, that using `error_reporting(0);` doesn’t prevent errors from occurring. It merely hides them from being displayed.

Controlling Error Display

You can control whether or not errors should be displayed to the user with the `ini_set()` function, which sets the value of the given configuration option. The option ‘display_errors’ determines whether errors should be printed to the screen. You can turn this off with the following line:

This setting is particularly useful in a production environment where you don’t want users to see any error messages.

Logging Errors

While you don’t want errors to be displayed to the user, you likely still want to know when they occur. You can log errors to a file by setting the ‘log_errors’ option to ‘On’ and providing a file path for the ‘error_log’ option:

Errors will now be logged to the specified file instead of being displayed to the user.

Using Try/Catch Blocks

If you have sections of your code that you suspect might fail and you want to handle those failures gracefully, you can use a try/catch block. If the code within the ‘try’ block fails, the code execution will move to the ‘catch’ block.

PHP Error Handling Functions

PHP also provides several functions for error handling:

  1. set_error_handler(): Sets a user function to handle errors.
  2. trigger_error(): Creates a user-level error message.
  3. error_get_last(): Gets information about the last error that occurred.
  4. error_log(): Sends an error message to the web server’s error log or to a file.

You can use these functions to define custom error handling mechanisms.


Handling error messages appropriately is crucial to providing a smooth user experience and maintaining the security of your PHP applications. Though it’s important to hide these errors from users in a live production environment, remember to keep them enabled in your development or staging environments. This will allow you to catch and resolve any issues that arise during the development phase. Always remember to log your errors, as this provides a valuable insight into what’s going wrong in your application, which aids in future debugging.

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