JavaScript offers several methods to manipulate strings. When it comes to replacing characters in a string, the String.prototype.replace() method immediately comes to mind. However, when using the replace method with a simple string as its search value, it will only replace the first occurrence. To replace all occurrences, particularly for special characters like the dot (.), a regular expression needs to be used. This article will guide you on how to replace all dots in a string using JavaScript.


Understanding the Challenge:

Let’s say we have the following string:

let sentence = "";

Our objective is to replace all the dots (.) in the string with, say, a comma (,). If you try to use the replace method directly:

let sentence = "";

let updatedSentence = sentence.replace('.', ',');
console.log(updatedSentence);   // "This,is,a,sample,string,with,dots,"

You’ll find that only the first dot is replaced. This is where regular expressions come into play.

Using Regular Expressions:

Regular expressions (often shortened to “regex”) are patterns used to match and manipulate strings. In our case, we can use a regex pattern to match all dots in the string and replace them.

Here’s how you can achieve that:

let sentence = "";

let updatedSentence = sentence.replace(/\./g, ',');
console.log(updatedSentence);  // "This,is,a,sample,string,with,dots,"

Breaking down the regular expression:

  • /\./: This is our pattern. The dot is a special character in regex, so to match a literal dot, we need to escape it with a backslash (\).
  • g: This stands for ‘global’, and ensures that we match and replace all instances of the pattern in the string, not just the first one.

Points to Remember:

Regular expressions have special characters like the dot, which need to be escaped with a backslash when you want to match them literally.

The ‘g’ flag is crucial when wanting to replace all instances of a pattern in a string.

If you’re new to regular expressions, they can seem daunting. But with practice, they become a powerful tool in your JavaScript toolkit. Remember that while they’re incredibly versatile, they can also be overkill for simpler string manipulations. Always consider the needs of your specific task.


String manipulations are a common requirement in many programming tasks. JavaScript provides a variety of methods and techniques to make these operations straightforward and efficient. By using regular expressions with the replace method, you can effectively replace all occurrences of a character or pattern in a string, giving you greater flexibility and control over your string manipulation tasks.

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