Have you ever encountered the cryptic “Too many open files” error message on your Linux system? It can be frustrating and may also stop your work progress. In this guide, we will understand about this error that is related to file descriptors, the culprit behind this error, and provide a proper solution.


Understanding File Descriptors

Imagine your Linux system as a bustling office. Files are documents, and processes are employees who need access to these documents to work. File descriptors act as intermediary passes – unique numbers assigned to open files. A process uses a file descriptor to interact with a specific open file, just like an employee uses a specific ID card to access their designated workspace.

Why the Error Occurs

There’s a finite number of file descriptors available on each systems. If processes open too many files simultaneously, the limit is reached, triggering the “Too many open files” error. This can happen due to multiple reasons like:

  • Resource-intensive applications: Some programs inherently open many files, like web servers juggling numerous connections.
  • File descriptor leaks: A poorly written program that opens a file but forgets to close it properly, the file descriptor remains occupied, even if the file isn’t actively being used.
  • Default limits too low: Sometimes, the set limits might be too low for your application’s needs.

Possible Solutions

Several approaches can help you address the “Too many open files” error:

1. Increase File Descriptor Limits (with Caution):

Use the ulimit command to temporarily raise the soft limit for the current shell session. For example, ulimit -n 2048 sets the limit to 2048 files. You will get detailed instruction below in article.

2. Identify and Fix File Descriptor Leaks:

Tools like lsof can list open files and their associated processes. This helps pinpoint processes holding onto unnecessary file descriptors.

Address the file descriptor leak within the application’s code (if you have control over it) or consider alternative programs with better resource management.

3. Optimize Your Applications:

For applications you can control, explore ways to reduce their reliance on open files. This might involve implementing file caching or connection pooling techniques.

Remember: Increasing limits is a temporary fix. The ideal solution lies in addressing the root cause, be it a program’s resource intensiveness or file descriptor leaks.

Check File Descriptor Current Limits

First, find out the current limit on file descriptors, Open a terminal and use commands as below:

  • To see the limit for the current shell, type:
    ulimit -n

    The output of above command shows maximum number of open file descriptors that a single process can hold at any given time. By default it shows 1024, it means that any single process running in your system can open up to 1024 files simultaneously.

  • To check system-wide limits, you might need to look at:
    cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

    This output shows tat the maximum number of file descriptors that the entire Linux system can have open at any given time. This is a system-wide limit for all processes.

Increase File Descriptor Limits (with Caution)

Increase the Limit Temporarily

You can either increase limit temporarily for current session only or permanent for system-wide. To temporarily increase the limit in your session, type:

ulimit -n 2048

Replace 2048 with the number you want. This change will last until you close the terminal or log out.

Increase the Limit Permanently

Instead of temporary, you can make it permanent. So the changes will be available for all new sessions. For a permanent solution, you will need to edit configuration files:

  • For a specific user:

    Edit the user’s .bashrc or .bash_profile file in their home directory and append

    ulimit -n 2048
  • For all users:

    Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file and add the following lines:

    * soft nofile 2048
    * hard nofile 4096

    Replace 2048 and 4096 with the desired number of open files.

Setting System-Wide File Descriptor Limit

In some cases, you might need to raise the file descriptor limit for all users on your system. Here’s how to achieve this:

  1. Edit System Configuration:

    Open the system-wide sysctl.conf file using a text editor with root privileges. You can use below command for this purpose.

    sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
  2. Define the New Limit:

    Locate a blank line in the file or add one if none exists. Now, add the following line, replacing [new_number] with the desired maximum number of open files for the entire system:

    fs.file-max = [new_number]
  3. Apply the Changes:

    Save the changes made to the sysctl.conf file. Finally, run the following command to apply the new configuration:

    sudo sysctl -p

    This command reads the sysctl.conf file and implements the defined changes.


Resolving the ‘Too Many Open Files’ error in Linux involves understanding the current limits and increasing them as needed. By following these steps, you can ensure that your applications run smoothly without hitting this error. Always monitor your system’s use of file descriptors to avoid future issues.

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