As developers, we’ve all experienced the moment when we accidentally add a file to the staging area using ‘git add’ and realize that we need to undo this action. Fortunately, Git provides an easy way to reverse this operation. In this article, we’ll walk through a step-by-step guide on how to unstage files in Git before committing your changes.


Before diving into the solution, it’s crucial to understand the concept of the Git staging area. When you make changes to your project files, Git tracks these changes. To commit these changes to the repository, you need to add them to the staging area. This is done using the ‘git add’ command. The staging area serves as an intermediate space between your working directory and the repository, allowing you to selectively choose the changes you want to commit.

Step 1: Check the Current Git Status

To view the current status of your Git repository, use the ‘git status’ command. This will display the changes that have been made to the working directory, as well as the changes that have been staged for the next commit. This information is crucial to help you identify the files you want to unstage.

git status 

Step 2: Unstage (Reverse) a Single File

To unstage a file that has been added to the staging area, use the git restore --staged command, followed by the file path. This command will remove the specified file from the staging area, leaving the working directory unchanged.

git restore --staged <file-path> 

For example, if you have a file named ‘myfile.txt’ that you want to unstage, the command would be:

git restore --staged myfile.txt 

Step 3: Unstage (Reverse) All Files

If you want to reverse ‘git add’ for all files that have been added to the staging area, you can use the git restore --staged command with a period (.) as the argument. This will unstage all files in your working directory, effectively resetting the staging area.

git restore --staged . 

Keep in mind that this command will only unstage the files, and it will not affect any changes made to the working directory.

Step 4: Verify the Changes

After running the git restore --staged . command, use the ‘git status’ command once again to verify that all files have been removed from the staging area. The output should show that no files are staged for the next commit.

git status 

By following these steps, you can easily reverse ‘git add’ for a single file or all files in your Git repository before committing your changes.


Reversing ‘git add’ before committing is a simple process that every developer should know. The git restore --staged command is a powerful tool that allows you to unstage files quickly and easily, helping you maintain a clean and organized Git repository. Remember to always double-check your staging area with the ‘git status’ command before committing your changes to avoid any unwanted additions to your repository.

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