Package management is a fundamental aspect of administering and maintaining Linux systems. Two of the most commonly used package management systems in the Linux world are RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) and DPKG (Debian Package). While they serve the same purpose of installing, upgrading, and managing software packages, they have different commands and package formats. In this article, we will explore the RPM and DPKG package management systems, comparing their equivalent commands and shedding light on the differences between them.


RPM vs DPKG Comparison Table

Command DetailsRPM CommandDPKG Command
Install a packagerpm -i {package.rpm}dpkg -i {file.deb}
Update packagerpm -U {file.rpm}dpkg -i {file.deb}
Remove an packagerpm -e {package}dpkg -r {package}
List installed packagesrpm -qadpkg -l
List files in installed packagerpm -ql {package}dpkg -L {package}
Show information about packagerpm -qidpkg -p {package}
Show information about package filerpm -qpi {file.rpm}dpkg -I {file.deb}
List files in a package filerpm -qpl {file.rpm}dpkg -c {file.deb}
Verify all installed packagesrpm -VaN/A
Verify installed packagerpm -V {package}N/A
Suggest more commands!

Key Differences

While RPM and DPKG serve the same purpose, there are notable differences between them:

  1. Package Format: RPM uses .rpm files, while DPKG uses .deb files. These formats are not interchangeable.
  2. Package Management Tools: RPM uses rpm for package management, while DPKG relies on dpkg. Additionally, Debian-based systems commonly use apt or apt-get for high-level package management tasks.
  3. Dependencies: DPKG has more robust dependency tracking and resolution through tools like apt. RPM handles dependencies but may require additional manual intervention in some cases.
  4. Package Sources: RPM systems often use YUM or DNF as package managers to handle repositories, while DPKG systems use APT. These tools provide more advanced features like automatic updates and dependency resolution.


RPM and DPKG are both powerful package management systems, each with its strengths and nuances. Understanding the equivalent commands in each system is essential when working with different Linux distributions. If you’re transitioning between RPM and DPKG-based systems, knowing the corresponding commands will make your package management tasks smoother. Ultimately, the choice between RPM and DPKG often depends on the Linux distribution you’re using and your specific requirements.


1 Comment

  1. A number of years ago, dpkg internalized the “debsum” functionality to give an almost identical md5sum functionality as rpm (like “rpm -V “), as “dpkg -V ” or “dpkg –verify ”


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