If you’ve spent any significant amount of time working in a Linux environment, you’re likely familiar with the SCP (Secure Copy) command. This handy tool enables you to securely transfer files between different hosts over a network using the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol. However, there might be instances where you encounter the error message: ‘bash: scp: command not found’. This article aims to help you troubleshoot this error, getting you back to work as soon as possible.


What Causes the Error?

The error message bash: scp: command not found typically appears when the SCP command isn’t installed or accessible on your system. This could happen if the OpenSSH-client package, which includes the SCP command, isn’t installed on your Linux system. Alternatively, the error may be due to the SCP command not being correctly located in your system’s PATH variable.

How to Troubleshoot the ‘bash: scp: command not found’ Error

Let’s look at a few methods to diagnose and solve this problem:

1. Checking If SCP Is Installed

The first step is to check if SCP is installed on your Linux system. You can do this by typing the following command in your terminal:

which scp 

This command checks the directories in your PATH for the scp program. If it’s installed, the command will return the full path of the scp binary. If nothing is returned, then SCP isn’t installed or accessible through your PATH.

2. Installing the OpenSSH-client Package

If SCP isn’t installed, you need to install the OpenSSH-client package. Here’s how you do it:

  • On Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu):
    sudo apt-get update 
    sudo apt-get install openssh-client 
  • On Red Hat-based systems (like CentOS):
    sudo yum install openssh-clients 

These commands update your system’s package database and install the OpenSSH client software, including the scp command.

3. Verifying PATH Variable

If SCP is installed, but you’re still encountering the ‘bash: scp: command not found’ error, you might need to check your PATH variable. The PATH variable is a list of directories that your shell checks whenever you run a command.

To display your PATH, you can use the following command:

echo $PATH 

Ensure that the directory which contains scp (typically /usr/bin or /usr/sbin) is included in the PATH. If it isn’t, you can add it using the following commands:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin' >> ~/.bashrc 
source ~/.bashrc 

The first command adds the directory /usr/bin to your PATH in the .bashrc file, which is executed each time you start a new shell session. The second command applies the changes to your current session.

4. Check Permissions

Finally, if scp is installed and in your PATH, but you’re still experiencing the error, the issue could be due to incorrect file permissions. You can check the permissions of the scp binary with the following command:

ls -l $(which scp) 

The output will show the permissions of the file on the left side. If necessary, you can update the permissions to ensure that all users can execute the scp command:

sudo chmod 755 $(which scp) 


The ‘bash: scp: command not found’ error can be a frustrating hurdle when working in a Linux environment. However, with the methods explained above, you can quickly identify and solve the problem. Always ensure that the OpenSSH-client package is installed, your PATH variable is correctly configured, and appropriate permissions are set. With these steps, you’ll be back to secure file transferring in no time.

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