cURL, short for “Client for URLs”, is an open-source software project that provides a library (libcurl) and a command-line tool (curl) for transferring data using various network protocols. While it’s commonly used to interact with HTTP and HTTPS, it can also handle SMTP, which is the standard protocol for sending emails on the internet. In this guide, we’ll take you through the process of using cURL to send emails.


What You Will Need:

  1. A Unix-like operating system or Windows system with cURL installed.
  2. Access to an SMTP server.

If you’re unsure whether you have cURL installed, you can check by opening a terminal or command prompt and typing curl --version. If you get a response with a version number, you’re good to go. If not, you’ll need to install cURL.

Step 1: Constructing the Command

The basic format of a cURL command for sending an email is as follows:

Let’s break this down:

  • `--url 'smtp://'`: The URL of your SMTP server. You need to replace ‘’ with the address and port of your SMTP server.
  • `--ssl-reqd`: This option tells cURL to use SSL in the connection for security.
  • `--mail-from ''`: The sender’s email address.
  • `--mail-rcpt ''`: The recipient’s email address.
  • `--upload-file mail.txt`: The content of the email. This should be a text file that you have prepared.
  • `--user 'username:password'`: The username and password you use to login to your SMTP server.

Step 2: Preparing the Email Content

The mail.txt file mentioned above should contain the headers and body of your email. Here is a simple example:

You can replace the text with the content of your own email. Remember to save this file as mail.txt in the same directory from which you’ll be running the cURL command.

Step 3: Sending the Email

Now you’re ready to send the email. Just open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory containing your mail.txt file, and run the cURL command from Step 1. If everything goes well, your email will be sent.


If you encounter an error, here are a few things to check:

  1. Make sure your SMTP server address, port, username, and password are correct. These are often the source of problems. If you’re not sure what they should be, you’ll need to check with your email or web hosting provider.
  2. Check your email content file. Make sure it’s in the correct format and saved in the right location.
  3. Try running cURL with the -v option. This will give you more detailed output, which can help in diagnosing problems.

Mastering cURL for sending emails provides you with a flexible and powerful tool for automating email-related tasks. Happy emailing!


In conclusion, sending emails using cURL is an effective way of automating communication. Its command-line structure may appear intimidating at first, but once understood, it provides significant flexibility and power. This step-by-step guide should help you send your first email using cURL, covering the basic command structure, email content preparation, and troubleshooting common issues.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Feel free to experiment with different email formats and play around with various cURL options to understand the scope of what’s possible. As you continue to use cURL, you’ll find it a useful tool not only for email communication but also for a wide range of data transfer tasks. Happy learning and email-sending!

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