In the age of cloud computing, hosting a static website can be both cost-effective and efficient, especially when using services like Google Cloud Storage (GCS). This article guides you through the process of setting up a GCS bucket to host a static website with index.html as the default page.



Google Cloud Storage offers a reliable and straightforward way to host static content, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files. It’s an excellent choice for hosting static websites without the need for a traditional web server. Let’s dive into how you can leverage GCS for your static website hosting.


  • A Google Cloud account.
  • A GCS bucket.
  • Basic knowledge of using the gsutil command-line tool.

Step 1: Create and Configure Your GCS Bucket

Firstly, you need to create a new bucket or use an existing one. The bucket name should be unique and can optionally follow a domain name format if you plan to map it to a custom domain later.

  1. Create a Bucket:
    gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME] 

    Replace [BUCKET_NAME] with your desired bucket name.

  2. Upload Your index.html:
    Upload the index.html file, which will serve as the entry point of your website.
    gsutil cp index.html gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/

Step 2: Make Your Bucket Publicly Accessible

For your website to be accessible to users, the bucket needs to be public:

gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

Step 3: Configure as a Website

You need to set a main page (and optionally, an error page) for your website.

  1. Set Main Page Suffix:
    gsutil web set -m index.html gs://[BUCKET_NAME]

    This command configures index.html as the main page of your site.

  2. Set Error Page (Optional):

    If you have a custom 404 error page, say 404.html, you can set it up as well:

    gsutil web set -m index.html -e 404.html gs://[BUCKET_NAME] 

Step 4: Accessing Your Website

Your static website is now accessible via the following URL:



Google Cloud Storage provides an excellent platform for hosting static websites, offering scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. By following these steps, you can quickly set up your static website with index.html as the default landing page.

Remember that while GCS is ideal for static content, it does not support server-side scripting. For dynamic content, consider other solutions like Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine.

Additional Considerations

  • Custom Domain: You can map a custom domain to your GCS bucket for a more professional web presence.
  • SSL/TLS: For secure HTTP (HTTPS) access, consider using a third-party Content Delivery Network (CDN) service.
  • Caching and Optimization: Utilize GCS features and best practices for caching and optimizing your static content delivery.

Hosting a website on GCS can be a perfect solution for individual portfolios, small business pages, or project documentation sites. With its ease of use and the robust infrastructure of Google Cloud, your static website can benefit from high availability and performance.

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