Git, a distributed version control system, is integral to the workflow of developers worldwide. It tracks changes in source code during software development, with features that enhance collaboration and source code management. An essential part of this system is the identification of who makes each change to the codebase. This identification is facilitated through the configuration of a username and email address in Git.


This article guides you through the process of changing your Git username and email address, both locally (for a single repository) and globally (for all repositories).

Understanding Local and Global Configurations

Before diving into the steps, it’s crucial to understand the difference between local and global configurations in Git:

  • Local Configuration: Applies to a single repository. Each repository on your system can have its own username and email configuration, allowing for different identities for different projects.
  • Global Configuration: Applies to all repositories on your system. If a local configuration is not set, Git defaults to using the global configuration for commits.

Checking Your Current Configuration

To view your current Git configuration for username and email, you can use the following commands in your terminal or command prompt:

  • For global configuration:
    git config --global --list
  • For local configuration:
    git config --list

Changing Your Git Username and Email Address


To change your Git username and email address globally, use the following commands:

  • For username:
    git config --global "Your New Name"
  • For email:
    git config --global ""

This will update your Git configuration for all repositories on your system.


To change your Git username and email address for a single repository, navigate to the repository’s directory in your terminal or command prompt and use the following commands:

  • For username:
    git config "Your New Name"
  • For email:
    git config ""

This will only affect the repository you are currently in, leaving the global configuration and other repositories unchanged.

Verifying the Changes

After changing your configurations, you can verify the updates by listing the Git configuration again using the git config --list command. Ensure you are in the correct repository directory when checking local configurations.

Best Practices

  • Consistency Across Services: If you contribute to projects hosted on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, ensure that the email address you use in your Git configuration matches the one associated with your account on these services. This consistency helps in accurately attributing your contributions.
  • Use of Email Privacy Options: Platforms like GitHub allow you to keep your email address private by providing a no-reply email address you can use in your Git configuration. This approach helps in protecting your privacy while contributing to public repositories.
  • Regular Updates: Regularly review and update your Git username and email configurations to reflect any changes in your work or personal branding. This practice ensures your contributions are always correctly attributed to you.


Changing your Git username and email address is a straightforward process that can significantly impact your workflow and how your contributions are recognized. Whether you’re contributing to open source projects, working across different corporate environments, or simply managing personal projects, correctly setting your Git identity is crucial. Remember to keep your configurations up to date and consistent with your identity across development platforms to ensure smooth collaboration and credit for your work.

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