FastCGI functionality is very similar to working of CGI. FastCGI makes differences at few places than CGI like FastCGI processes are persistent and they can handle more than one request per process. FastCGI allows running programs on remote machines by multiplexes the environment information, standard input, output and error over a single full-duplex connection. Read more about FastCGI.


This tutorial will help you to set up Apache webserver with PHP and FastCGI on RedHat based systems.

Step 1 – Prerequsitis

Fast of all, enable REMI and EPEL yum repositories on your system. These repositories provide the lastest packages for RedHat based systems.

Step 2 – Install Apache2

Apache2 packages are available with the name HTTPD for Redhat based systems. You can use the following commands to install the latest available Apache2 (HTTPD) packages in configured repositories on your system.

yum install httpd

Step 3 – Install PHP and FastCGI

After installing the Apache web server, let’s install PHP and FastCGI Apache module on your system. You can install any version of the required PHP or simply use the following command to install available PHP packages. This tutorial doesn’t include installing PHP modules, So you can also install required PHP modules.

yum install php php-cli mod_fcgid

Step 4 – Disable Default PHP Handler

Before using PHP/FastCGI handler, you have to disable the default PHP handler on your system. Edit PHP configuration file for Apache (/etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf) in your favorite text editor and comment following lines showing in below screenshot by adding the hash (#) sign at the start of the lines.

Apache With PHP/FastCGI

Step 5 – Setup FastCGI Handler

At this point we have successfully installed Apache FastCGI Module. Now nagigate to /var/www/cgi-bin directory, If not exists create directory. Then create a php.fastcgi file and add the following content to this file. Also make sure the php.ini file and php-cgi exist on your system.

vim /var/www/cgi-bin/php.fastcgi

export PHPRC
exec /usr/bin/php-cgi

Change permissions of php.fastcgi script to make it executable by Apache server.

chown apache:apache /var/www/cgi-bin/php.fastcgi
chmod +x /var/www/cgi-bin/php.fastcgi

Step 6 – Setup VirtualHost with FastCGI

Finally, create a VirtualHost in our Apache configuration file with FastCGI support. VirtualHosts are used to configure multiple sites with a single IP. Below configuration will allow siting with any system IP on port 80.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"
    <Directory "/var/www/html">
            Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
            AddHandler php-fastcgi .php
            Action php-fastcgi /cgi-bin/php.fastcgi
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from All

Step 7 – Restart Apache and Test Setup

At this point, you have completed the Apache configuration with FastCGI support. Let’s restart the Apache server using the following command.

service httpd restart

Now create a file in your document root /var/www/html/info.php and add following content to check detailed php information.

Access your Apache server using an IP address for domain name followed by file in your web browser like below. This will show the current configuration of PHP in your system. Look the value of Server API option, if you get this value CGI/FastCGI, it means server is properly configured to use FastCGI.



  1. Can you update the “make php.fastcgi executable” section to cover installations that have SELinux enabled?

    semanage boolean -m –on httpd_enable_cgi
    semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t /var/www/cgi-bin/php.fastcgi
    restorecon /var/www/cgi-bin/php.fastcgi

  2. Hello, i am just writing you to say thank you. This tutorial was extremely helpful for me to make php-fpm work. Your configuration of the Virtual Host and the php.fastcgi was incredible helpful.

    Thanks a million!

    • Hello, How to make php-fpm work, im also having the same problem, here he’s installing fcgi, so what steps do we need to do after following this blog ?

  3. Hi RAHUL I have proved your steps and I have got accomplished it, however I was asking me how could run multiple PHP versions on the same Apache instance in an server with ServerName established? I hope you could help me, because I have proved some tutorials in the web but none helped me to acommplished it.

  4. Hello Rahul,

    Step 4 is reason for not showing .php files?! … when I uncomment the lines it works but then Server API is Apache and not CGI/FastCGI.

    Some must be wrong with the above tutorial.

    ps, SAPI Modules does show CGI/FastCGI and FastCGI Process Manager

    • Yes, we comment these lines, So that Apache use FastCGI as default Server API. What issue are you facing with CGI/FastCGI?

  5. Hi,

    I am trying to make FastCGI work in our CentOS 6. I’m following your guide but something off in my part

    I notice using “AddHandler php5-fastcgi.php” and “Action php5-fastcgi /cgi-bin/php.fastcgi” doesn’t work in me. It always gives me an Internal Server Error when running a PHP.

    I wonder if I miss something here. Hope you can help


  6. Hello,

    I have been struggling for days on trying to get this method working on Centos 7.0. When you have a moment, can you try? mod_fastcgi is not available on Centos 7 even with EPEL repo installed. So, I decided to install mod_fcgid and sort of follow your guide. It works but phpinfo page still shows as below

    Server API Apache 2.0 Handler

    Your insight on this topic and help will be appreciated by me and many others.

  7. Hi, being around in the internet long enough makes you aware that tons and tons of tutorials out there won’t really work, probably cause they weren’t clear enough about their environment.

    But this one, this one worked! Thanks for the guide! It worked, i put a phpinfo() in the index page then everything i wanted to see was there. Kudos!

    But now that i uploaded a full site, this showed up:

    You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
    Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS) Server at Port 80

    i have an htaccess file and the site runs on CodeIgniter 2.0.3
    Any tips?

    • Hiya!

      No reply like the other question above? Nvm, i found the answer and fixed it. all i did was change ownership and permissions on the folders.

      I checked the error log file via watch tail error.log and i found this:
      “(13)Permission denied: /home/USER/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable”

      Googling the error message, i found this site:

      So this is the solution i came up with:
      # cd /var/www/sitename/
      # chown sitenameuser:root public_html
      # chmod -R 755 public_html

      *For the paranoid and suspicious developer (in a good way), the solution above was tested.

      Hope this helps someone out there who was just as stumped as meh!

  8. This guide really helped me. I was able to put multiple php’s on my apache. thanks a MILLION!!! I am going to create a guide for what I did, I can send you a copy if you would like. I have some other things I want to try but that can wait for later.

    • Thanks Harry for your appreciation…
      We always welcome you to share your views, ideas or articles on…

  9. hello thank you for your reply..
    no all correct but I’m stuck in step 4 :/
    pratically i enter this command “vim /var/www/cgi-bin/php.fastcgi” and after open file to edit and i write:

    ” !/bin/bash
    export PHPRC
    exec /usr/bin/php-cgi ”

    here i make one screenshot for show you where i’m stuck

    how do I confirm the replacement?

    thank you for help
    best regards

  10. hello thanks for your guide i have only one problem after enter this :
    export PHPRC
    exec /usr/bin/php-cgi

    how i can confirm this edit ? in order to continue
    thank you so much

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