When managing web applications that serve users from different geographical locations, it’s imperative to accurately process and display time-related data according to the respective time zones. Setting up a default timezone in PHP ensures that timestamps, time calculations, and other date-time functionalities are consistent and accurate.


1. Setting Up Timezone in the php.ini File

The php.ini file is the primary configuration file for PHP. By modifying this file, you can set a default timezone for the entire PHP environment. Here’s how you do it:

1.1. Locate Your php.ini File:

Your server’s operating system determines the default location of the php.ini file. Here are some common locations:

  • CentOS/RedHat/Fedora: /etc/php.ini
  • Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint: /etc/php/VERSION/apache2/php.ini

Make sure to replace ‘VERSION‘ with the version number of your PHP.

1.2. Choose the Right Timezone:

PHP supports a plethora of timezones. To select one that’s apt for your application, visit the official PHP documentation:

PHP Supported Timezones

1.3. Modify the php.ini File:

Open the php.ini file using a text editor. Find the date.timezone setting and modify its value to your desired timezone. For instance, to set the timezone to ‘America/New_York’, you’d input:

date.timezone = "America/New_York"

1.4. Restart the Apache Service:

To apply the changes made in the php.ini file, you’ll need to restart the Apache service. The method to do this may vary depending on your server setup, but commonly used commands are service apache2 restart or systemctl restart apache2.

2. Setting Up Timezone in a PHP Script

There might be cases where you want a particular PHP script to use a timezone different from the default one set in the php.ini file. In such cases:

2.1. Use the date_default_timezone_set Function:

At the beginning of your PHP script, add the date_default_timezone_set function followed by your desired timezone. Here’s an example:

   // Rest of your PHP code

Replace “America/New_York” with any timezone from the PHP supported list.


Whether you’re setting up a default timezone for your entire PHP environment or just for a specific script, it’s straightforward. Just ensure you select the correct timezone and implement the changes appropriately.

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