In computing, especially in Linux-based systems, swap space plays a crucial role in the system’s memory management. When a system runs out of RAM, it can use swap space as an overflow, temporarily storing less used or inactive portions of memory (pages) onto the hard drive. This helps prevent system crashes due to memory exhaustion.


Swap space can be provisioned in two ways: as a swap partition or a swapfile. This article will delve into the concepts of a swapfile and a swap partition, their advantages, disadvantages, and differences to provide a detailed comparison.

Swap Partition

A swap partition is a dedicated section of the hard drive specifically designated for swap space during the system installation process. It operates independently of the system’s main file system.


  • Efficiency: Swap partitions are created at the installation stage, often located on the faster areas of a hard drive (closer to the outer edge). This can make access and writing to the swap partition quicker.
  • Isolation: Swap partitions are separate from the main file system, which can prevent fragmentation and reduce interference with system files.


  • Rigidity: Once a swap partition is created, its size cannot easily be changed without repartitioning the disk, a process that can be risky and potentially destructive.
  • Space Utilization: If the swap partition is not fully used, the allocated space may be wasted. Conversely, if it’s too small, it may limit system performance during high memory demand periods.


A swapfile is a special type of file within the system’s existing file system that serves the same purpose as a swap partition.


  • Flexibility: Swapfiles are more flexible than swap partitions. They can be resized, deleted, or moved as needed, which makes them an excellent choice for systems with changing memory demands.
  • Space Efficiency: Swapfiles use space within the existing file system. Thus, they do not waste disk space when not in use, and they can grow when memory demand increases.


  • Performance: Swapfiles were historically slower than swap partitions due to filesystem overhead and fragmentation. Modern file systems like ext4 and Btrfs, however, mitigate these concerns, making performance roughly equivalent to swap partitions.
  • Potential for Interference: Since swapfiles exist within the main file system, heavy swap usage could cause fragmentation or interfere with regular file operations.

Comparison Between Swapfile and Swap Partition

  1. Flexibility vs. Rigidity: Swapfiles offer flexibility in management as they can be easily resized, moved, or deleted, whereas swap partitions are rigid and require disk repartitioning to resize.
  2. Performance: While swap partitions traditionally had a speed advantage, this has largely been eliminated with modern file systems.
  3. Space Utilization: Swapfiles are more space-efficient since they only consume as much disk space as necessary and can be easily grown or shrunk. Conversely, swap partitions may either waste space or be insufficient for memory demands.
  4. Isolation vs. Interference: Swap partitions have the advantage of isolation from the file system, reducing potential interference with system files. Swapfiles, on the other hand, are part of the file system and, thus, under high usage, could potentially lead to fragmentation.


Both swap partitions and swapfiles have their advantages and trade-offs. The choice between them often comes down to specific system needs and constraints. In modern systems, especially with advancements in filesystem technology, the differences in performance have become negligible.

While swap partitions provide excellent isolation and potentially faster access, their rigid size allocation can be a disadvantage. Conversely, swapfiles provide exceptional flexibility and efficient space utilization at the potential cost of fragmentation and file operation interference.

Ultimately, the selection depends on the user’s discretion based on their understanding of their system’s memory requirements, usage patterns, and the flexibility required for managing the swap space.


1 Comment

  1. I don’t think this is true, at least not on Ubuntu:

    “Space Efficiency: Swapfiles use space within the existing file system. Thus, they do not waste disk space when not in use, and they can grow when memory demand increases.”

    For example, I have an 8G swap partition and an additional 4G swap file with a lower priority. The idea here is to use the (faster) swap partition for normal operation, and only use the swap file when absolutely necessary, like this:

    $ sudo swapon –show
    /dev/sda5 partition 7.7G 3.1G 20
    /swapfile file 4G 0B 10

    Ideally, the swap file would use no disk space in this scenario, unless the swap partition fills up. However, even though the swap file is completely unused here, it still uses up the entire 4G of disk space:

    $ ls -lh /swapfile
    -rw——- 1 root root 4.0G Sep 22 20:48 /swapfile

    Therefore the claim “they do not waste disk space when not in use” is not true.

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