Git – Create Repository

Git Create Repository Generally, users host their repository on online git management providers like,, and But you can also host your repository on your server without any management tool. This is helpful for small organizations with limited git repositories. Follow instructions to create your own bare repository and host on your Linux server. After that clone that repository to your local system for development purpose. Create System User First, create a new system user, This is a good practice to have a separate user, which will be…

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Git – Install Client

Installation of Git Client Brief: This tutorial will help you with the installation of Git client on your operating system. Git client application is used to manage local and remote git repository using add, commit, push files. At the time of the recent update of this tutorial Git version 2.16.2 is the latest stable version available. This tutorial will help you to install Git client on your Linux systems. Install Git on Ubuntu & LinuxMint Use the following set of commands to install Git client on Ubuntu, Debian and Linux…

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