Linux – systemctl command

Linux systemctl command The systemctl command is a new tool to control the systemd system and service. This is the replacement of old SysV init system management. Most of modern Linux operating systems are using this new tool. If you are working with CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04 or later or Debian 9 system. They have opted systemd now. Syntax systemctl [OPTION] [SERVICE] For this tutorial, All commands are written to show the service management of mysql service on Linux system. Where you can use mysql or mysql.service as a service…

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Linux Architecture

Linux Architecture Linux is a free and open-source operating system that was developed in the early 1990s by Linus Torvalds. It is based on the Unix operating system and has become a popular choice for both personal and enterprise use due to its stability, security, and flexibility. Linux is built on a modular architecture, which means that it is made up of a number of different components that work together to form a complete operating system. These components are organized into layers, each of which serves a specific purpose and…

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What is Linux

Intoduction to Linux Linux is an opensource operating system, Similar to any other operating systems like Windows, MAC etc. An operating system is a program which manages the communication between user software and hardware. There are following major parts in a Linux system: kernel – A Linux Kernel is the core of any operating system, which directly interacts with the hardware. It manages all the system resources like “Memory”, “CPU”, “Processes” and Attached peripheral devices to the system. Bootloader – The Bootloader also called Boot Manager. A program that handles…

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Linux – ls command

Linux ls command The ls command is used to list files and directories in filesystem. Login to your Linux system and open shell. Syntax ls [OPTION] [FILE] Examples Now type ls and press enter. This will show file names available in the current directory. ls Long Listing Files You can use -l switch to view the long listing of files. ls -l You can also specify the filename to get details for a specific file. ls -l myfile.txt List Hidden Files You can also use the -a switch with ls…

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