Git – Clone Repository

Git Clone Remote Repository In this git tutorial, You will learn how to make a clone of remote repository on local system. This will copy all the application files available on remote sever to local system where you can start working. #1. Generate SSH Key Pair To connect git server, you may need to configure key based login. So that it will not prompt for each time you connect to the server. rahul@tecadmin:~$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/rahul/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory…

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Git – Add Remote Repository

Git Add Remote Repository In this chapter of Git Tutorial, You will learn how to add remote git repository in your local project directory. For example you are working on a project for many days, but still not added this project under Git. Now you have create a remote git repository and want to add your project under it. Local Project Dir: /home/rahul/app1 Remote Git URL: [email protected]:projects/app1.git Add Remote Repository Now navigate to your project directory and use git remote add command to connect local directory to the remote repository.…

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Git – Create Repository

Git Create Repository Generally, users host their repository on online git management providers like,, and But you can also host your repository on your server without any management tool. This is helpful for small organizations with limited git repositories. Follow instructions to create your own bare repository and host on your Linux server. After that clone that repository to your local system for development purpose. Create System User First, create a new system user, This is a good practice to have a separate user, which will be…

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