Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, allowing developers to declare the libraries their projects depend on. However, when working on multiple projects, developers can often find themselves in a position where they need to juggle different PHP versions. Fortunately, Linux, with its versatile environment, provides the flexibility to accommodate this scenario.


This article guides you on how to use Composer effectively with different PHP versions in a Linux environment.

Why Different PHP Versions?

Different projects might require different PHP versions due to various reasons:

  • Legacy Projects: Older projects might not be compatible with the latest PHP versions.
  • Testing: Developers might need to test their applications across different PHP environments to ensure compatibility.
  • Specific Library or Package Requirements: Some libraries or packages may function best, or exclusively, with particular PHP versions.


  1. Linux OS (Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.)
  2. Multiple PHP versions installed (e.g., using Ondřej Surý’s PPA, phpbrew, or php-fpm pools for different PHP versions).
  3. Composer installed: How to Install and Use Composer on Ubuntu

Steps to Use Composer with Different PHP Versions

1. Identify Installed PHP Versions:

Firstly, you need to know the PHP versions you have installed. Use:

ls /etc/php/ 

This should list directories corresponding to different PHP versions installed on your system.

2. Adjusting the $PATH variable:

When you run composer, it will use the PHP version that is found first in your $PATH. By adjusting the $PATH variable, you can prioritize which PHP version to use.

For instance, to use PHP 8.2, adjust the path as:

export PATH=/usr/bin/php8.2:$PATH

After doing this, running php -v should display PHP 8.2 as the active version.

3. Run Composer:

Now, simply execute Composer commands as you normally would:

composer install

Since you’ve adjusted the $PATH, Composer will use the PHP version you’ve set.

4. Create Aliases (For Convenience):

To streamline the process, consider creating aliases in your .bashrc or .zshrc:

alias composer74='PATH=/usr/bin/php7.4:$PATH composer'
alias composer82='PATH=/usr/bin/php8.2:$PATH composer'

Now, you can simply use composer74 or composer82 to run Composer with the desired PHP version.

5. Using phpenv:

If you frequently switch between different PHP versions, consider using phpenv. This tool allows you to change PHP versions on a per-directory basis. After setting up phpenv, you can use it alongside Composer to seamlessly handle projects with differing PHP version requirements.

Additional Tips

  1. Check Composer’s PHP Version: You can verify the PHP version Composer is using with composer about and look for the PHP version in the output.
  2. Avoid Global Dependencies: To prevent PHP version conflicts, try to avoid installing packages globally with Composer. Instead, always use project-specific composer.json files.


Managing multiple PHP projects on a single Linux machine can be smooth with the right techniques. While it might require some initial setup and understanding of how PHP versions are managed on your system, the flexibility gained is invaluable. Composer, coupled with Linux’s capabilities, ensures you can efficiently handle projects across various PHP environments.

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