Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system that can handle a wide range of tasks. One of those tasks is adding text to images, which can be useful for creating graphics, designing logos, or simply adding captions to photos. In this article, we’ll show you how to add text to images using Linux command line tools.


Step 1: Install ImageMagick

The first thing you’ll need to do is install ImageMagick, a powerful image manipulation program that can handle a wide range of image formats. To install ImageMagick on Ubuntu or Debian, use the following command:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick 

On Fedora, use:

sudo dnf install ImageMagick 

Step 2: Prepare Your Image

Once ImageMagick is installed, you’ll need to prepare your image. This means making sure it’s in a format that ImageMagick can handle, and ensuring that it’s the right size and resolution for your needs.

For example, if you’re creating a logo, you’ll want to make sure your image is in a vector format such as SVG or EPS. If you’re adding a caption to a photo, you’ll want to make sure the photo is in a format such as JPEG or PNG.

You can use a program like GIMP to resize your image if needed, or to convert it to a different format.

Step 3: Add Text to Your Image

With your image ready, it’s time to add text. To do this, you’ll use the convert command from ImageMagick. The basic syntax for adding text is:

convert input_image -pointsize 20 -fill white -annotate +100+100 'Your Text Here' output_image 

Let’s break this down:

  • `input_image` is the name of your input image file.
  • `-pointsize` is the size of the font you want to use.
  • `-fill` is the color of the text.
  • `-annotate` is the position of the text. The +100+100 values indicate the X and Y coordinates of the text relative to the top left corner of the image.
  • `output_image` is the name of the output image file.

Here’s an example command:

convert myimage.png -pointsize 24 -fill white -annotate +50+50 'Hello World' output.png 

This command adds the text “Hello World” to the image myimage.png in white 24-point font, positioned 50 pixels from the top left corner of the image. The output image is saved as output.png.

Step 4: Adjust Text Properties

You can adjust the font, color, and position of your text by modifying the command parameters. For example, you can use a different font by adding the -font parameter, like this:

convert input_image -pointsize 20 -font Times-Roman -fill white -annotate +100+100 'Your Text Here' output_image 

You can also adjust the opacity of the text using the -alpha parameter. A value of Opaque will make the text fully opaque, while a value of Transparent will make it fully transparent. You can use values between 0 and 1 to create a semi-transparent effect.

Step 5: Save Your Image

Once you’re happy with your text, you can save your image using the -quality parameter. This determines the compression level of the image, with higher values producing better quality images but larger file sizes.

For example:

convert input_image -pointsize 20 -fill white -annotate +100+100 'Your Text Here' -quality 90 output_image.jpg 

This command adds text to the input image and saves the output as a JPEG file with a quality of 90.

Step 6: Batch Processing

If you need to add text to multiple images, you can use a batch processing script to automate the process. For example, you can create a shell script that loops through a directory of images and adds text to each one.

Here’s an example script that adds the same text to all images in a directory:

This script loops through all PNG files in the current directory, adds the text “Hello World” to each one, and saves the output as a new file with “_text” appended to the original file name.


Adding text to images using Linux command line tools is a simple and powerful way to create graphics, logos, and captions. With ImageMagick and a few simple commands, you can add text to images quickly and easily. By mastering these tools, you can create professional-looking images with ease.

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