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Bash – Numeric Comparisons

Bash Numeric Comparisons

Under bash shell, you can directly compare numeric values using double parentheses like “((expression))”.


((n1 > n2))


Compare two values and check if one is greater than other value. Write below script in compare.sh file.

Now execute this script using bash shell

$ chmod +x ./compare.sh
$ ./compare.sh

Bash – Numeric Comparisons Operators

You can try with many more comparison operators in bash shell to compare two numeric values.

((n1 == n2))    ## n1 is equals to n2
((n1 != n2))    ## n1 is not equals to n2
((n1 > n2))     ## n1 is greater than n2
((n1 >= n2))    ## n1 is greater or equals to n2
((n1 < n2))     ## n1 is smaller than n2
((n1 <= n2))    ## n1 is smaller than or equals to n2
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