Author: Rahul

I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT professional since 2009..

PHP is a popular scripting language that is used to develop dynamic web applications. It is an open-source programming language that can be easily installed on a variety of operating systems, including CentOS 9. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of installing PHP on CentOS 9. Before you start, make sure that you have a CentOS Stream 9 system with root access. Step 1: Updating System Packages Before installing any new software, it is recommended to update your system packages. You can do this by running the following command: sudo yum update Step 2: Setup EPEL…

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MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that is widely used for storing and organizing data. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS Stream are two popular Linux distributions used by many developers and system administrators. In this article, we will be discussing how to install MySQL 8.0 on RHEL and CentOS Stream 9. Prerequisites RHEL or CentOS Stream 9 operating system installed on your computer Root user access or a user with sudo privileges Step 1: Adding the MySQL Repository The first step in installing MySQL 8.0 on RHEL and CentOS Stream 9 is to add the official…

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Archives are a common way of storing and transferring multiple files in Linux. However, extensive archives can be difficult to manage and transfer, especially if they exceed a certain size limit. One solution to this problem is to split the large archives into multiple smaller files, each with a specified size limit. In this article, we will explain how to split large archives in Linux using the command line. To split an archive in Linux, we will use the `split` command. The split command is a standard Linux command that can be used to split files into smaller parts. When…

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Java is a popular object-oriented programming language that has been widely used for developing a variety of applications, from desktop to mobile and web. One of the most basic concepts in Java programming is printing to the console. This is where the System.out.println() method comes into play. In this article, we will provide a beginner’s guide to understanding the System.out.println() method in Java. What is System.out.println()? The System.out.println() method is a Java statement that is used to print a message to the console. It is part of the Java standard library and is commonly used in Java programs to display…

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The split command in Linux is a useful tool for splitting large files into smaller parts. This is useful when dealing with large files that are too big to be transferred or managed easily. The split command can be used to split a file based on a specified size or line count, making it an ideal tool for breaking down large files into more manageable parts. In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of the split command, including its syntax and options, to help you understand how it works and how to use it effectively. Syntax The basic syntax…

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Testing your internet speed from the Linux terminal can be useful for troubleshooting connectivity issues or for monitoring the performance of your network. The process is straightforward and requires the use of a few simple commands. With the right tools, you can easily check the download and upload speeds of your internet connection and determine if it is working optimally. If you are a Linux user, you can easily test your internet speed from the terminal. In this article, we will guide you through easy steps to test your internet speed from the Linux terminal. Step 1: Install speedtest-cli The…

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The cat command in Linux is a simple yet powerful tool that is used to view and manipulate text files. It is short for “concatenate,” which means to combine or link together. The cat command has a variety of uses, from displaying the contents of a file to combining multiple files into a single file. In this article, we’ll cover 11 practical examples of the cat command in Linux, so you can get the most out of this versatile tool. Syntax The syntax for the cat command in Linux is as follows:

Where: [OPTION] is an optional argument that…

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The sleep command is a simple command-line utility that pauses the execution of a script or process for a specified amount of time. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as waiting for a process to complete, or automating tasks that need to be performed at regular intervals. The sleep command takes a single argument, which is the number of seconds that you want to pause the execution of your script or process. In this article, we’ll explore some common use cases of the sleep command in Linux. Syntax sleep NUMBER[SUFFIX]… Here the NUMBER can be a…

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In this tutorial, we’ll cover 20 of the most essential Linux commands that every system administrator should know. These commands are the building blocks of many common tasks, and with a good understanding of them, you’ll be able to accomplish a lot on your Linux servers. What is a Command? A Linux command is a set of instructions or operations that can be executed in the command-line interface (CLI) of a Linux operating system. Linux commands are used to perform various tasks on a Linux system, such as managing files and directories, managing system processes, configuring the system, and much…

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The tail command in Linux is a powerful tool used for displaying the end of a file. By default, it displays the last 10 lines of a file, but this can be modified by specifying a different number of lines to display. The tail command is often used to monitor log files, debug applications, or view the contents of a file in real time. Syntax The basic syntax for using the tail command is as follows:

where options are any optional flags or parameters that modify the behavior of the tail command, and the file is the name of…

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