In this tutorial, you will find a simple bash script for backing up a MySQL database. The script takes a backup of the MySQL database, archives the backup, and stores it on the local system. It also removes older backups to free up space. You can specify the number of days to keep the backup on the local disk. Additionally, you can use this tutorial to back up the MySQL database and store a copy on a remote FTP server.
Create MySQL Backup Script
Now, copy the following content in a script file (like: /backup/ and save on your Linux system. Use this link to download script. After than change some configuration values in section “Update below values” in the script as per your environment.
After creating or downloading script make sure to set execute permission to run properly.
chmod +x /backup/
Schedule Script in Crontab
Now schedule the script in crontab to run on a daily basis and complete backup on regular basis. Edit crontab on your system with crontab -e
command. Add following settings to enable backup at 2 in the morning.
0 2 * * * root /backup/
Save your crontab file. After enabling cron, the script will take backup automatically, But keep check backups on a weekly or monthly basis to make sure.
I’m trying to use this script, but without gziping the output. When I do that, it takes a long time on my server. I’d rather output just the .sql file. I can’t figure out the correct syntax.
Does anyone know what to use instead of this?
I tried the following, but without any luck – ${DATABASE_NAME} > ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/${TODAY}/${DATABASE_NAME}-${TODAY}.sql.gz
Great! Thank you!
I don’t want to download the views from my db. I want to download everything but vies. What would be the change in this script? Can you please help?
Thank you so much RAHUL
Hello Rahul,
Is it possible that I get mail after backup?
Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for, I appreciate you taking the time to create and post.
I need to aad –routines in the dumping command because i am using procedures also. can you please modify the script so the backup file include procedures.
Thank you so much brother.
I have one doubt that if previous job does not complete then what happened cron create a new job or they will overlap.
Thank you RAHUL
Thnaks Rahul…
This is working fine and i got something first time that run in single shot
If the access data of the database is not correct, the query is still output as correct. Why? That can’t be. I think it is due to the simultaneous backup as a GZ file. If I change the path there, which does not exist, then the IF query works. But how does it work if there are problems with the database?
Can this be done without exposing the credentials on the script itself? For example my credentials is stored in a .yaml file.
hello guys!
if [ ! -z ${DB_BACKUP_PATH} ]; then
if [ ! -z ${DBDELDATE} ] && [ -d ${DBDELDATE} ]; then
rm -rf ${DBDELDATE}
-z What is the effect?
I would add to the cron tab
>> /backup/logs .txt
so you know what’s happening if you check the logs
and I would store file dates in numbers, easier to parse than names, so instead of
I would do: 2019.05.30
You need to add a “exit 1” after check for failed backup. If something is wrong in your database, preventng the script from running, you delete your old backups preventing you from restoring…
thanks. very good
Hi Rahul,
and if I want to copy just one table into another one, what have I to change?
Thank you
Hello Rahul, Thanks for your answer, but deleted older folders is still not working. Have you got any idea what can I do? May I send you an email with this script, you can check in your computer ?
Hello Rahul, I’ve a problem with this script. Everythink (connections with databse and dump database to folder) works great, but this script doesn’t delete folders older than example 5 days and I don’t know way. Only what I have changed is line : TODAY=`date “+%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S” and DBDELDATE=`date “+%Y%m%d_%H:%M:%S” –date=”${BACKUP_RETAIN_DAYS} days ago”` , because I want to have folder like date_time. Could you help me and write where is my mistake. Thank for help.
Try syntax like belwo:
Hello Rahul
I am new to mysql i need MySQL Backup Script only to take backup of specific tables on daily basis & also it should delete backup of old days keeping 2 days latest backups.
Thanks You
in /backup , it say that you have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
This is very common. Many of services send emails to root account for various activities.
thank you
how if the database is more than one?
DATABASE_NAME=’mydb’ (many databases)
You can try this script:
thank you
terima kasih
That’s a dangerous idea – you should consider adding tests BEFORE executing the rm -rf to ensure both variables are not null. If they are null (for whatever reason), and you run this as a privileged user, you could delete everything and royally ruin your system.
Thanks John, This was really a major issue. I have updated the script to verify directories before deleting them.
Hope this is fine now.
Thanks for sharing this post. Very informative. Sir I also had a doubt related to Finance study that is doing MBA in finance is a suitable degree or are there any rules to do so? Also if you can give me some advice for better career.
Remove backup older than x days doesnt work. it deletes the whole backup if enabled.
i think the parameter is wrong in the script
DBDELDATE=`date +”%d%b%Y” –date=”${DBRETAINDAYS} days ago”`
should be
DBDELDATE=`date +”%d%b%Y” –date=”${BACKUPRETAINDAYS} days ago”`
Thanks Roshan,
The issue has been corrected.
Great post !! Thanks for such a clear and step by step MySQL Backup Script.
thank you so much, bro!!!
Is their will be any data integrity issue with this solution or downtime ?
No downtime or any integrity issue.