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Docker – Installation

Docker Installation

We have prepared tutorials for advance docker installation. Use links to get access for docker installation.

> Install Docker on CentOS, RedHat & Fedora
> Install Docker on Ubuntu & Debian

To install docker from default repositories follow this tutorial.

#1. Requirements

Docker required 64-bit operating system with Kernel >= 3.10. Older versions of Kernel have some missing requirements to run all features of Docker.

$ uname -r


#2. Install Docker

Docker is available under default repositories of Latest Linux systems. You simply install them using package management tools.

First, you need to remove the current installed old version of docker or docker engine.

## For Debian & Ubuntu systems
$ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io

## For CentOS & Redhat systems
$ sudo yum remove docker docker-engine docker.io

Now install the latest version of docker

## For Debian & Ubuntu systems
$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install docker-engine   

## For CentOS & Redhat systems
$ sudo yum install docker-engine
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