Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (TrustyTahr) released its first Alpha-1 edition on December 19, 2013.This version has been released with Latest stable Linux kernel 3.12 and Firefox 26. For final release we still have to wait for few months. In between of this Ubuntu will release alpha and beta releases. You can find below schedule to releases.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Release Schedule
As per Release schedule of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS the final release is coming on April 17th. The other beta and alpha released dates are as following as per ReleaseSchedule by ubuntu.
S.No | Release Date | 14.04 LTS Release Event |
1 | December 19th | |
2 | January 23th: | |
3 | February 27th | |
4 | March 27th | |
5 | April 17th |
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Download Links
Use following links to download Ubuntu or Kubuntu 14.04 LTS ALPHA-1
Download Ubuntu 14.04 Alpha 1 with GENOME
Download Kubuntu 14.04 Alpha 1