Author: Rahul

I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT professional since 2009..

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used in various applications, from web development to data analysis. In this article, we’ll explore how to write a Python program that lists all files in a specified directory. This operation can be quite useful in several contexts, such as when you need to organize files, analyze directory content, or perform batch operations on multiple files. Prerequisites Before we start, ensure that you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website ( As of the last update of this…

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Question – How do I check If a String contains another substring in Java? In our previous article, you learned to compare two strings in Java programming language. This tutorial will help you to check if the main string contains another substring in it. Syntax

Example 1 – Check with Case Sensitive This will be case sensitive check. As per the below example, Welcome is different than welcome as we know java is a case sensitive programming language.

Example 2 – Check with Ignoring Case Using this string will be checked with ignoring the case. The function change…

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Laravel is an popular framework built on PHP programming language. You can find Laravel installation tutorials here. In this tutorial, you will learn options to find version of preinstalled Laravel applications. There are two ways available to find the version of the Laravel application installed on any system. You can either find it by running a command. If you face any issue with the command line, you can check the Laravel version in the files. 1. Command to find Laravel Version Artisan is a powerful command-line interface included with Laravel. Open the command line terminal on your system. Navigate to…

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First of all, make sure Apache deflate module is enabled on your system. The below command will enable the deflate module for in Apache on Debian based systems. This tutorial has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04. sudo a2enmod deflate Then edit the module configuration file in your favorite text editor. sudo vim /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/deflate.conf Then add “AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/json” in the deflate module configuration file.

Save your file and restart Apache2 service to apply new settings. systemctl restart apache2.service All done.

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Java, a versatile and widely-used programming language, is fundamental in the world of software development. Among its many capabilities, Java allows programmers to manipulate and display the current date and time, a crucial feature in various applications. This guide is tailored for beginners, easing you into the process of retrieving the current date and time in Java. Introduction to Date and Time in Java Java provides several classes in its API to handle date and time. Prior to Java 8, the most commonly used classes were java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. However, Java 8 introduced a new Date-Time API under the java.time…

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Virtualenv is a useful tool to create an isolated environment for your Python application. This environment has its own installation directories and environment to keep it separate from other Python application. This doesn’t share libraries with other environments. The Virtualenv is the easiest and recommended way to configure a custom Python environment. This tutorial will help you to how to create a virtual environment for your Python 2 application and use this. Prerequisites You must have the following packages installed on your system. Python 2.7 PIP Install Virtualenv with Python 2 You must have Python 2 and PIP installed on…

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Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open-source, distributed real-time search and analytics engine. Using a simple set of APIs, it provides the ability for full-text search. Elastic search is freely available under the Apache 2 license, which provides the most flexibility. This tutorial will help you to install Elasticsearch on Debian 10, Debian 9 and Debian 8 systems. Step 1 – Prerequsities Login to your Debian system using sudo privileged user or root account. Java is the primary requirement for running Elasticsearch on any system. Execute following commands to install Java on your Debian system. sudo apt update sudo apt…

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Slack is a cloud-based popular team collaboration tool. This is a new kind of messaging for teams, bringing all your communication at one place. This tutorial will help you to install Slack on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) Desktop system. Step 1 – Download Slack Debian Package Download the Slack Debian package from its official download page. Currently, Debian packages are in beta version only. Alternativly you can also use the following command to download Slack Debian package. wget Step 2 – Install Slack on Ubuntu 18.04 After that, install Slack on Ubuntu using dpkg package installer utility. sudo dpkg -i…

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Cloning a specific branch from a Git repository can be a useful way to work with the code, without having to clone the entire repository. Cloning a specific branch allows you to access the code, make changes, and push those changes back to the original repository. In this article, we will walk through the steps of cloning a specific branch from a Git repository. Clone Specific Git Branch You can clone any remote repository with git clone command. The default clones the master (main) branch from remote. You can also specify the branch name with -b option to clone a…

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Laravel is one of the best open-source, MVC PHP framework, designed for the faster development of web applications. You can simply install and use on your development system. This article will help you to install the Laravel PHP Framework on Debian 10 (Buster) Linux system. Laravel requirements Apache MySQL/MariaDB PHP >= 7.1.3 OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension Step 1 – Prerequsiteis You need to install the recommended PHP version with the required modules before starting the Laravel installation. The system has already running LAMP stack skip this step else use…

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